Plastic vs Glass Drinkware for Special Occasions: Which is Better?

Plastic or Glass Drinkware for Your Special Occasions: Each option brings value to the table,

If you’re in the restaurant industry, you undoubtedly appreciate the value that comes with having the right drinkware for your business but choosing whether to go with plastic or glass is often a difficult decision for many restaurateurs to make. In this article, we will address the pros and cons of each option and hopefully provide you with enough information to make an informed decision concerning the best choice for your restaurant or catered event. It’s important to note, however, that the information provided is not only intended for professional businesses; it is, instead, general information that can be used by anyone responsible for hosting a gathering of any kind.


Whether we want to admit it or not, costs can play a tremendous role in our purchasing decisions, and of course, drinkware is no exception. With that said, let’s examine the upfront and long-term cost associated with both types of drinkware. On the surface, plastic drinkware may appear to be more cost effective, but do they align with the aesthetics of your restaurant/event?

If your restaurant, for example, is considered fine dining and caters to an upscale customer base, plastic drinkware may not be a good fit. However, if getting the most “bang for your buck” is paramount, it should be noted that plastic drinkware can survive countless washes in a commercial dishwasher, meaning you can use them thousands of times before having to replace them, which reduces long-term costs.

It’s easy to assume that one could get the same, or more, uses out of glass drinkware, but that is not always the case. Granted the upfront cost for glass drinkware is higher than that of plastic, but we must bear in mind that there is a level of refinement that comes with glassware that does not come with plastic. That level of refinement, however, comes at a premium; studies have shown that glass drinkware needs to be replaced more often than its plastic counterpart, typically at a rate of 50 percent or more.

So why is that the case, exactly? Well, obviously there are stark differences in the material, but glass drinkware is simply more prone to breaking. And once glass drinkware is chipped or broken, it is rendered unusable, meaning you now must allocate more of your budget towards purchasing replacements.


Glitter gold plastic disposable champagne flute 5ozBut why does everything have to be black or white, you’re probably asking? Well, it doesn’t. If you’re hosting a less formal event or running a casual dining restaurant, disposable plastic drinkware is a great alternative to more expensive reusable plastic drinkware, not to mention glass drinkware. Also, plastic drinkware requires less clean up time since they can be discarded after being used.


Although it is rarely discussed, glass drinkware possesses an inherent risk of injury that is not typically found in its plastic counterparts. After all, plastic cannot be broken. When choosing between glass and plastic drinkware, you should take into consideration the flooring in your restaurant. The same also holds true for any venue where you may be hosting an event.

Glass drinkware, if dropped, can cause two problems; if it collides with a carpeted floor, for example, the contents can stain the carpet and may leave small pieces of glass that may become embedded in the carpet fibers. These pieces of glass can be a danger to your patron/guest. Of course, with carpeted floors, the likelihood of glassware hitting the floor and breaking is reduced, but it is still a possibility. The same dangers apply to Hardwood and tiled floors as well; once the drinkware collides with the hard surface, small pieces can go flying everywhere.


It’s not unusual for some people to equate plastic drinkware with poor quality, but plastic drinkware has come on a long way. In fact, if you’re catering a wedding reception, for example, many companies now offer monogrammed tumblers and personalized plastic cups that can complement most wedding themes. So, don’t be too quick to write them off; however, with that said, one would argue against using them during an actual wedding ceremony.

So, what is the best plastic drinkware for weddings, you ask? Again, it really depends on the theme of the wedding, but you should pick something that complements the overall décor. That said, you should look for something that can be personalized so that the bride and groom can tell that a reasonable amount of thought went into your purchasing decision. And if you insist on using reusable or disposable plastic drinkware, you’re encouraged to choose neutral colors that do not cause a distraction, preferably something clear with an understated monogram.


One of the biggest benefits of plastic drinkware comes down to storage; unlike glass, reusable plastic drinkware can be stacked, which means more can be stored away without taking up too much cabinet space. This represents a win-win; you save on the upfront costs of the drinkware and gain valuable cabinet real estate by stacking them on one another.

In summation, this article is not intended to sway you in one direction or the other. It is, instead, an attempt to argue the value that each option brings to the table. Yes, the pun was very much intended. Whether your focus is on costs, practicality, or simply a fun way to deviate from traditional dining, there are several drinkware options that will fit with your primary objective, being the best host possible. So, whether you’re tasked with finding the best plastic drinkware for weddings or simply finding the right drinkware for a give occasion, you can be assured that there are options available for your event or restaurant guests.

If you have read this far into the article, you’re probably either an event planner or a restaurateur who take his/her profession very seriously, and for that, you should be applauded. However, you’re only one decision away from completely sabotaging the trust and respect you have earned from your customers if you make a poor decision, so choose the right drinkware for your business/event.

Plastic Drinkware